Local Reading Councils
Reading Council of Greater Winnipeg
The Reading Council of Greater Winnipeg (RCGW) is committed to the promotion of literacy in the city of Winnipeg and surrounding area. We are a council of the International Literacy Association (ILA), a Special Area Group of Educators of the Manitoba Teachers’ Society (SAGE) and a council of the Manitoba Reading Association (MRA).
Visit the Reading Council of Greater Winnipeg's website.
- Facebook: facebook.com/RCGWinnipeg
- Twitter: @RCGWinnipeg
- Interested in joining our board? Contact us at [email protected] for more info.
Visit the Reading Council of Greater Winnipeg's website.
Manitoba Council of Reading Clinicians
The mission of the Manitoba Council of Reading Clinicians (MCRC) is to facilitate literacy learning, diagnostic/specialized assessment and instruction through influence and upholding standards of practice, to support our members, parents and students, and to promote the work of Reading Clinicians among educational communities, related professional groups and the general public.
We are:
Visit the Manitoba Council of Reading Clinician's Website.
We are:
- Specialists in the areas of literacy and learning.
- We identify individual diverse learning needs, and we are then able to make specific recommendations linked to all areas of academic instruction
- We are certified as both teachers and Reading Clinicians by the Province of Manitoba. Certification requires a Masters Degree in Education and additional courses in clinical reading, literacy and learning.
Visit the Manitoba Council of Reading Clinician's Website.
Pembina Escarpment Reading Council
The purpose and goals of the Pembina Escarpment Reading Council (PERC):
Visit the Pembina Escarpment Reading Council's website.
- To promote the love of reading,
- To promote and improve literacy for all,
- To celebrate the connections between learning, literacy, and life,
- To connect with ILA, MRA, and other local Manitoba councils,
- To provide a venue for community literacy advocates to partner as one voice,
- To provide an avenue for regional educators to learn and grow as literacy instructors, and
- To be a source of excellent professional development that matches research and practice in the area of literacy.
Visit the Pembina Escarpment Reading Council's website.
Brandon Reading Council
The purpose and goals of the Brandon Reading Council (BRC):
Visit the Brandon Reading Council:
Website: https://brandonreadingcouncil.weebly.com
Instagram: @brandonreadingcouncil
Twitter: @BdnREADCouncil
- To improve the quality of literacy instruction at all levels (pre-school, school-age, and adult) by:
- Encouraging passion for literacy,
- Stimulating and promoting research dealing with all aspects of literacy, and
- Encouraging the development and implementation of high quality teacher education programs, both pre-service and in-service
- To develop an awareness and understanding of the impact of literacy by:
- Encouraging the appreciation of a variety of literacy genres
- Promoting the formation of lifetime habits of reading and writing, and
- Developing an appreciation and understanding of the value of literacy for the well-being of citizens and their full participation in a democratic society
Visit the Brandon Reading Council:
Website: https://brandonreadingcouncil.weebly.com
Instagram: @brandonreadingcouncil
Twitter: @BdnREADCouncil